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WIPFLI Internal Controls: Applying the COSO Framework and Greenbook Webinar
Thursday, December 09, 2021, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Category: Indiana Training Institute (ITI) Training

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Nonprofit organizations are required to establish and maintain effective internal controls. What does this mean for your organization? The Uniform Guidance states that your internal controls should be in compliance with the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (Green Book) or the COSO Framework. In this session we will review the components of internal control, from the control environment to monitoring and risk assessment. We will also discuss ways your organization can establish effective internal controls by applying the framework.
1. Discuss the COSO and Green Book Components of Internal Control Framework.
2. Explore COSO principles within the Framework.
3. Review and identify how to apply the Framework to your organization's fiscal controls and procedures.

Katherine Eilers - https://www.wipfli.com/about-wipfli/partners-and-associates/eilers-katherine