Human Services, Inc.


Counties Served for EAP: Bartholomew, Decatur, Jackson, Johnson, and Shelby

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 119
Clifford, IN 47226

Physical Agency Location:
4355 East 600 North
Columbus, Indiana 47203

Phone: (812) 372-8407
Fax: (812) 378-7493

2023 Community Needs Assessment


Executive Director: Donna Taylor
(812) 372-8407 Ext. 224
[email protected]

Director of Fiscal Operations: Justin Bruce
(812) 372-8407 Ext. 221
[email protected]

Director of Human Resources: Sierra Smith
(812) 372-8407 Ext 222
[email protected]

Director of Head Start & Early Head Start: Aimee Nichalson
(812) 372-8407 Ext. 207
[email protected]

Director of Homeless Prevention: Elaine Breeck
(812) 372-8407 Ext. 218
[email protected]

WIC Co-Coordinator: Darcy Muldoon
(812) 398-3002
[email protected]

WIC Co-Coordinator: Sue Miller
(812) 663-7041
[email protected]

Coordinator of Coaching for Success Initiative:  TBA
Phone:  (812) 372-8407

Energy Assistance Program (EAP) Coordinator: Justa Clark
(317) 398-3153
[email protected]

HCVP Coordinator: Nicole McCarter
(812) 663-8830
[email protected]