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Submit an article for this newsletter
- Email your article draft to Melissa Dauby by the deadline listed in the most recent newsletter (above).
- Include any relevant photos, graphs, statistics or other features that will make your article complete. Whenever possible, please submit photos in their original formats (JPG, straight-from-the-camera is ideal), rather than embedded in a Word, PDF or other document. This will ensure the highest quality when including in the e-newsletter.
- Please provide the name, phone number and email address for someone whom we can contact to verify facts, fill in blanks and provide approvals.
- Please note that your article might be edited for clarity, length or style.
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CAAs: Please add us to your newsletter and news release mailing lists!
We want to know what your Community Action Agency is up to. We often read about upcoming events and community success stories in these newsletters and news releases, and, as space allows, we can occasionally share your news with our readers by including it in this e-newsletter. If you're interested, please add Melissa Dauby to your mailing list: [email protected].
Thank you for keeping in touch!