Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. That's our promise.
We do this by providing programs and services that strengthen families, improve quality of life and equip Hoosiers to be self-sufficient and financially stable.
Our teams of countless staff and volunteers across the state are working hard to end poverty in Indiana, offering a hand up to disadvantaged Hoosiers and advocating on their behalf.
Below is a listing of services that we offer through the Community Action Agencies (CAAs) across the state. Each agency offers its own span of services, so we invite you to find your CAA by county and contact the local office to explore what services are available in your community.

Having a consistent and safe place to call home is key to a healthy lifestyle for both individuals and families. Our agencies help those in need find and secure safe and affordable housing and weather times of unplanned emergencies.

Home Energy Efficiency and Weatherization
Old heating and cooling systems and windows and doors that allow outside air into the home cause higher utility costs for our most vulnerable neighbors. Our agencies provide weatherization services that can help significantly reduce the financial drain of an inefficient home, as well as provide resources to help offset high energy costs during times of financial hardship.

Family Advocacy
Helping build strong families is a keystone of tackling the generational cycle of poverty, so Community Action agencies offer classes on parenting, child-abuse prevention and more. We also advocate for paid family leave.

Health & Well-Being
We believe that tackling any kind of hardship is easier if you're already living a healthy lifestyle. By improving access to affordable health care, teaching courses on nutrition and healthy cooking, providing health screenings and more, we are working to improve the health and well-being of Hoosiers who strive to live a better, more secure life.

Food Security
For too many Hoosiers, providing food for themselves and their families is a daily struggle. Community Action agencies are working to lighten that burden by addressing food insecurity through food banks, food-delivery services and more.

Living paycheck to paycheck — as hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers do — makes paying for unexpected expenses a true burden. Community Action agencies can help by providing resources for those seeking job opportunities, teaching courses on money management, helping individuals open bank accounts and more.

Workforce Development
Steady employment is a starting point for developing financial security. Our Community Action agencies work with low-income Hoosiers to prepare for job interviews, find a job, get training and plan for a productive career. We also offer scholarships and internship opportunities.

While many of us take our cars for granted, many others are stuck at home, unable to attend doctor appointments, shop for groceries or get to work due to a lack of transportation. That's why we offer free- or low-cost transportation options — for seniors, veterans and local residents in general — in many of our communities.

Early Childhood Education
Rising out of poverty is nearly impossible without education. Our Head Start and Early Head Start programs develop our youngest at-risk children into confident youth who are ready to begin a lifetime of learning. Hands-on instruction for the kids, and engagement and support for the families are equally beneficial in preparing the entire family unit for success.

Youth Enrichment
In addition to their education, we know that programs like summer camps, mentoring and volunteer opportunities help equip our youth to become productive members of their communities. Our agencies provide a variety of life-enrichment opportunities for our state's most vulnerable youth.

Senior Support
Keeping seniors healthy, active and supported is as important to our community health as supporting our youth. Community Action agencies provide programs and other opportunities for seniors to get involved (such as volunteer programs), get around (via transportation programs), get healthy (through screenings, classes and more) and get active.