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Emotional CPR
Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: Indiana Training Institute (ITI) Training

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Emotional CPR (eCPR) is a public health education program designed to teach people to assist others through an emotional crisis.  eCPR is based on the principles shared by a number of support approaches; trauma-informed care, recovery components, instilling hope, counseling after disasters, peer support, and cultural and social atonement. It was developed by a diverse cadre of leaders who themselves have learned how to recover and grow from an emotional crisis. 

Recommended for anyone working to support adults or youth that may experience an emotional crisis, have experienced trauma, etc. This training is a valuable piece of your toolkit for service to others and yourself. 

There are three components to eCPR:

The Connecting process of eCPR involves deepening listening skills, practicing presence, and creating a sense of safety for the person experiencing a crisis. The emPowering process helps people better understand how to feel empowered themselves as well as to assist others to feel more hopeful and engaged in life. In the Revitalizing process, people re-engage in relationships with their loved ones or their support system, and they resume or begin routines that support health and wellness which reinforces the person’s sense of mastery and accomplishment, further energizing the healing process. 

eCPR is based on the principles found to be shared by a number of support approaches; trauma-informed care, counseling after disasters, peer support to avoid continuing emotional despair, emotional intelligence, suicide prevention, and cultural attunement. It was developed with input from a diverse cadre of recognized leaders from across the U.S., who themselves have learned how to recover and grow from emotional crises. They have wisdom by the grace of first-hand experience. 

Lastly, here's additional information about Emotional CPR https://www.flipsnack.com/eCPR2019/emotional-cpr-ecpr-for-participants.html

Trainer Bio:
Hi I’m Kim, I’m an Implicit Bias Trainer, Anti-Racist Trainer, Diversity and Inclusion Trainer, a Certified Olweus Bullying Prevention Trainer (K-12), Workplace Bullying Trainer and a Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) Facilitator. In addition, I’m an Emotional CPR (eCPR) Coordinator and Trainer through Allies of Indiana which promotes mental wellness. I believe this training is truly the foundation of being a human and connecting heart to heart. Allies of Indiana is a peer-run community-based organization that provides recovery, inspiration, hope, support, and education to individuals working toward mental and lifestyle wellness.