Mental Health Training
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: Indiana Training Institute (ITI) Training
Click here to register for this training
This training will cover questions like: What is mental health? What are signs that you or an employee may be struggling with their mental health? What can I do to take care of my own mental health? How do we provide support for employees/peers struggling with their mental health?
You will leave the class knowing the signs of poor mental health, different strategies to cope with stress, and even how to do a Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise.
About the Trainer: Chelsea Leeds is a licensed mental health counselor and board-certified art therapist. She currently splits her time teaching future art therapists at IUPUI’s Master of Art Therapy program, seeing primarily adult clients for individual art therapy in her private practice and running a caregivers support group once a month at Riley Hospital for children. Chelsea’s clinical focus is on identity development and personal growth, helping clients to live in line with their values and be able to take care of themselves while balancing life’s responsibilities. Chelsea completed a certified compassion-fatigue provider training in the spring of 2019 and is a certified compassion fatigue provider for those who are paid and unpaid caregivers. Chelsea previously has spent almost 5 years working in community mental health, with almost 2 years as a supervisor, which largely impacted her interest in compassion fatigue, burn out and preventing these system issues.